Health Record Form (For RAC Professional Members Only) – packages of 50 sheets | les fiches de santé (réservé aux Thérapeutes Agréés en Réflexologie au Canada (TARCs))


Updated Health Record Forms.

Keep track of your clients health records with a professional health record form for Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapists (RCRT™s). These forms, updated in 2022, contain pointed questions for RCRT™s to be able to gather a complete view of their health.

Forms come in packages of 50 sheets each with binding for easy separation. New forms have three pages!

Available in French and English.


Découvrez notre formulaire actualisé pour les fiches de santé !

Chaque paquet contient 50 feuilles.

Les formulaires sont disponibles en anglais et en français.


Updated Health Record Forms.

Keep track of your clients health records with a professional health record form for Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapists (RCRT™s). These forms, updated in 2022, contain pointed questions for RCRT™s to be able to gather a complete view of their health.

Forms come in packages of 50 sheets each with binding for easy separation. New forms have 3 pages!

Available in French and English.


Découvrez notre formulaire actualisé pour les fiches de santé !

Chaque paquet contient 50 feuilles.

Les formulaires sont disponibles en anglais et en français.

Additional information

Language | Langue

English, Francais


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